New Parents

Have a new, little family member?

Meet-ups, classes, and workshops for new and expectant parents. Meet other parents and find support in community! See below for current Baby and Me and La Leche League meet ups.

Baby and Me

Get together with other parents of infants (newborn-1 year old)! We will explore baby massage, lullabies, and hold space for chats about the struggles and joys of being a parent. This is an informal group, please come as you are.

Y Family Members with additional children up to 8 years old — feel free to register for a spot in Member Child Care, so older kids can have fun while you and your younger child attend Baby and Me!

Ages: Infants, newborn-1 year old, and parent/caregivers
Date + Time: Thursdays, 9:45 – 10:45am in Studio B
Cost: Free for Y Members / Non-member $10
Drop-In fee paid at the front desk (please note: we do not take cash).

La Leche League Monthly Meet-Ups

Drop in on La Leche League monthly meet-up for free breastfeeding info and support. Babies and children welcome.

Date + Time: TBD
Cost: Free. Y Members please scan in / Non-members, please fill out a Guest Liability Waiver at the front desk