Baby and Me
Get together with other parents of infants (newborn-1 year old)! We will explore baby massage, lullabies, and hold space for chats about the struggles and joys of being a parent. This is an informal group, please come as you are.
Y Family Members with additional children up to 8 years old — feel free to register for a spot in Member Child Care, so older kids can have fun while you and your younger child attend Baby and Me!
Ages: Infants, newborn-1 year old, and parent/caregivers
Date + Time: Thursdays, 9:45 – 10:45am in Studio B
Cost: Free for Y Members / Non-member $10 Drop-In fee paid at the front desk (please note: we do not take cash).
La Leche League Monthly Meet-Ups
Drop in on La Leche League monthly meet-up for free breastfeeding info and support. Babies and children welcome.
Date + Time: TBD
Cost: Free. Y Members please scan in / Non-members, please fill out a Guest Liability Waiver at the front desk